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Panduan Studi di India – Versi Kedutaan India

Secara historis, India merupakan daratan tua dengan peradaban yang terus berlangsung selama 500 tahun. Setelah Peradaban Lembah Indus (3000 BC sampai 1500 BC), muncul periode Weda berbahasa Sansekerta (1500 BC sampai 500 BC). Kerajaan India pertama, yaitu Kerajaan Mauryan, dimulai tidak lama setelah Chandragupta Maurya (274‐237 BC). Sesudah masa Kerajaan Asoka, maka kerajaan di India…

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Ini nih daftar beasiswa luar negeri bergengsi

Pemerintah negara asing dan perguruan tinggi mancanegara memiliki program beasiswa penuh untuk pelajar internasional. Penerima beasiswa ini akan mendapatkan biaya studi dan tunjangan biaya hidup. Jika teman-teman masih bingung negara mana saja pemberi beasiswa penuh di luar negeri, simak daftar yang dilansir laman Sekretariat Kabinet (Setkab) berikut ini:

Sociological Jurisprudence

The sociological school devotes its attention not to the ethical content and aim of law, but it is to the actual circumstances which give rise to legal institutions and which condition their scope and operation. This is the functional view of law, regarded as one and only one of the many factors in the morphology…

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Theory of Volksgeist

Volksgeist is a part of historical studies which law is defined as a product of times the germ if which like the germ of the state, exists in the nature of men as being made for society and which develops from this germ various forms, according to the environing influences which play upon it. Law…

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Theory of Grundnorm

Grundnorm which means basic norm or fundamental norm has come from the view of Hans Kelsen that in every legal system, no matter with what propositions of law we start, an hierarchy of ‘oughts’ is traceable to some initial or fundamental ‘ought’ from which all other emanate. This norm may not be the same in…

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Theory of Sovereignty

The term sovereignty means supremacy or the right to demand obedience. A sovereign state is one which is subordinate to no other. It is supreme over the territory under its control. It issues order which all humans and associations within its territory are bound to obey. Its independence in the face of other communities is…

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Positivism and Utilitarianism

POSITIVISM According to Dias the positivist movement started at the beginning of the 19th century. It represented a reaction against the a priori methods of thinking which turned away from the realities of actual law in order to discover nature or reason the principles of universal validity. Hart pointed out that the term positivism has…

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Synthetic Jurisprudence

The establishment, sooner or later, of an Indian School of Synthetic Jurisprudence (we would probably have called it “Syncretic” Jurisprudence) was almost a biologic necessity; it was certainly a natural outgrowth of the Indian philosophy of life. From the earliest recorded history of the peoples of the Indian peninsula who later formed themselves into a…

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Code of Conduct of Transnational Corporations

Transnational Corporation (TNC) is the most important and most visible innovation of the postwar period in the economic field. According to the document prepared by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), transnational enterprises usually consist of companies or other entities whose ownership is private, state or mixed, established in different countries and so…

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