Category Archives: Uncategorized

Kinds of Globalization

Globalization in a literal sense is international integration. It can be described a process by which the people of the world are unified into a single society. This process is a combination of economic, technological, socio-cultural and political forces. The term globalization generally means integration of economies and societies through cross country flows of information,…

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Hard Law and Soft Law

International governance has become increasingly legalized throughout the twentieth century. However, legalization is not binary which international law is not simply present or absent in a given issue area and makes the situation much more complex. In respect of legalization above, a better approach is to understand legalization as continuum, moving from soft law to…

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Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources

The principles of Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources build on traditional state prerogatives such as territorial sovereignty and sovereign equality of states. This permits states to freely determine and apply laws and policies governing their people and territory under their jurisdiction and choose their own political, social and economic systems. Among the numerous resolutions, the…

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New International Economic Order

Colonialism and imperialism which happened in the old order of the world created the worst economic disorder, especially on a wide economic inequality between a few prosperous countries and a large number of poor countries. In addition, though the principle of laissez faire is preached, in practice, non discrimination and free trade has not been…

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Kilas Balik Dalam Satu Menit

Pertama saya ingin bilang bahwa sebenarnya saya sudah punya akun facebook sejak tahun 2008. Kala itu masih ramai-ramainya friendster. Ah, entahlah gimana nasib friendster saya, saya ndak tau dan lupa alamatnya apa. Kala itu juga sangat jarang sekali teman-teman saya yang pakai facebook, apalagi cabe-cabean yang pakai nama alay semisal, “nienna cantique ingient berduaan”, belum…

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Rinduku, Seorang Perempuanku

Seperti apapun keadaannya Ibu tidak pernah mengajarkan saya untuk mengeluh Sebaliknya Ibu yang selalu menguatkan ketika saya hendak merapuh Ia tak bosan selalu mengajarkan saya betapa pentingnya bersyukur Ia pula yang selalu mendorong saya untuk selalu mencari dan mengembangkan kelebihan bukan untuk menyesali kelemahan dan kekurangan

2013 in a Nutshell

Let’s open single door and multiple windows. And see the bright shine coming along with hopefulness and trust. –  forthcoming year of 2014 and onwards. – Hyderabad, 12 12 13 Ini adalah kata-kata penutup tahun 2013 yang saya tulis di Facebook. Betapa banyak sekali perjalanan kisah hidup yang telah saya jalani selama 2013. Awal 2013…

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